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Trial Class FAQs

Where do I find a student's profile?

1. Go to the "Classes" tab and click on the materials button of the desired class

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2. Click the student's name

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3. There you will find the student profile which will be filled in by the student's Educational Consultant

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Do I need to fill in class feedback for a trial class?

Yes, you have 24 hours to submit class feedback in the app after a trial class. Submitting class feedback late for any class will result in deductions.


Good Class Feedback:

  • Written using complete sentences

  • At least 100 characters long

  • Highlights the progress that the student made, rather than just summarizing the lesson


Example of an excellent Class Feedback note:"Today's lesson with [Student] went very well! [Student] has been struggling with multiplying fractions, so we worked on some practice problems for skill-building. [Student] was able to complete most of the problems correctly by the end of class! Next week, we will work through a unit examination to make sure [Student] has progressed."

How do I know the grade and subject of a trial?

You can see the subject in the top left corner of the class details after clicking on materials under the "Class" tab. The student's grade can be found in their student profile.

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How do I know if a class is a trial?

On your booking page you will see the class with the trial label in the top right hand corner. All other classes are long-term students.

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How long is a trial class?

All ClassUp classes are 50 minutes long. Being late or leaving early when a student is in attendance goes against ClassUp's attendance policy.

What materials do I use for a trial class?

For grades K-12 Math and K-8 ELA you will use the Personalized Learning Plan materials that are automatically uploaded into the classroom. The materials are selected based on the student's assessment results, which you can also find uploaded under materials.


Please check the assessment report and notes from the EC to learn more about your student's needs before meeting with them. For grades and subjects outside of ELA grades K-5 and math grades K-8, you can select material from our Teacher Resource center or pull from your personal resources to download and upload to the class based on information noted from the EC.

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How can I convert Trial Classes into Long-term Students?

At the end of the Trial Class, around the 45 minute mark, the EC will join the call. You can go more in depth with the parents about how the student did on their assessment report. This is an opportunity to give a recap of how the student did during class, and be SPECIFIC on areas of growth that the student can work on with you over time. For talking stems you can reference the section on speaking to parents in a trial class. It is a great idea to plan for the future and even give the parent a "Go Fetch" task such as asking them to bring a writing sample from the student for next class.


Please check the assessment report and notes from the EC to learn more about your student's needs before meeting with them. For grades and subjects outside of ELA grades K-5 and math grades K-8, you can select material from our Teacher Resource center or pull from your personal resources to download and upload to the class based on information noted from the EC. 

Where do I find trial materials for K-8 Students?


For ELA classes grades K-8 and math classes grades K-12, there will be corresponding materials uploaded into the classroom based on their assessment report and learning plan. If the student did not complete their assessment report, material will not be uploaded until 30 minutes before the start of class. Please check the assessment report and notes from the EC to learn more about your student's needs before meeting with them.





Where do I find trial materials for 9-12th grade ELA students?



The ClassUp Teacher Resource Center is your one-stop shop for all materials and resources for your teaching experience at ClassUp. Once you open the resource center, please navigate to the "Curriculum, Practice Materials, and Homework" Section. From here you can choose the ELA subject and can click on the ELA Trial Lesson Materials Folder.






Can I use my own materials for trial classes?


You must use ClassUp's provided materials in a trial class.

What materials are automatically uploaded into the classroom?

For math K-12 and ELA K-8, the materials and assessment results will be uploaded as soon as the student completes their assessment. If they do not complete the assessment then lesson materials will be uploaded 30 minutes prior to the start of the lesson. If a student has been sent 2 assessments, but only completed 1 assessment then the materials will be uploaded 30 minutes prior to the lesson.

What do I do if a student no shows a trial class?

In a trial class you must wait 10 minutes for a student to arrive. If 10 minutes have passed and they are not there, you can leave the classroom.

I have a question about the student for an upcoming trial class. Who can help me?

With any student or class related questions reach out to for help.

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