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SET Score

SET Score is an automated performance scoring system designed to provide transparency regarding attendance, classroom teaching, and overall engagement. This new system builds upon our culture of excellence, encouraging teachers to grow and shine as educators while ensuring the highest standards for our students. SET Scores reflect teachers' performance over the most recent 90 days, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

How SET score works

SET Scores are based on three key criteria:

  • Quality of teaching and engagement with students

  • Attendance and punctuality

  • Feedback from students and parents

Teachers with high SET Scores qualify for additional professional opportunities and exclusive ClassUp gifts. Conversely, teachers with consistently low scores (below 3) may experience reduced student assignments or, in some cases, a review of their contracts.

SET Score Guidelines.jpg

Zero Tolerance Behavior

We have zero tolerance towards the following behavior. A single violation will result in immediate contract termination.


Vulgar, inappropriate, or offensive speech during a lesson, or via text message on the ClassUp  platform


Vulgar, inappropriate, or offensive materials are shown, shared, or used during a ClassUp lesson or in any capacity on the ClassUp platform


Sharing personal contact information for the purpose of circumventing the ClassUp platform to communicate with parents or students

SET Score FAQs

How is the score calculated?

We calculate your score based on data from the past 90 days. Points added or deducted outside this period will not impact your current score.
Will my contract be terminated immediately if my score drops below 3 points?
No, we aim to support teachers in improving their performance. You will receive reminders and guidance to help you address areas of concern. However, if there is no improvement over time, the contract may be subject to termination.
Who can I contact for assistance?
If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at

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