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Grade 3 Academic Situations

Numbers and Operations

Key Points:


  • Master addition and subtraction within 1000

  • Multiplication and division within 100

  • Understanding and comparing fractions

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Common Struggles: 

  1. Knowledge points are not firmly mastered; there is a lack of understanding of the significance of place value and addition. Example: Place values are not aligned, tens are written in the hundreds place, and ones are written in the tens place

  2. Conceptual gaps, not truly understanding why carrying over is necessary, leading to oversight or forgetting. Example: Carrying over is not calculated

  3. Lack of concentration and proficiency, leading to careless mistakes in the questions. Example: Copying numbers incorrectly.

  4. Inefficient mastery of multiplication tables requires students to recite the tables from the beginning in order to calculate the result. Example: For 6×8, they need to start from 1×8 and recite up to 6×8 to get the result.

  5. Confusion between addition and multiplication, treating multiplication as addition. Example: 4×7 = 11

  6. Lack of proficiency in multiplication tables leads to errors in division calculations. This is especially true for the multiplication tables of 7, 8, 9, and equations where the quotient is smaller than the divisor; Example: 28÷7= ( )

  7. Definitions of dividend and divisor are unclear, leading to errors in estimating problems; Example: ( ) ÷ 3 = 7 8 ÷ ( ) = 2"

  8. Students may find it difficult to grasp the concept that two different fractions can represent the same value. For instance, not realizing that 1/2 is the same as 2/4 or 3/6 can lead to confusion in comparing and working with fractions. 

  9. Not understanding the meaning of fractions leads to confusion about the rules for comparing fractions with the same numerator and those with the same denominator. For example: 



  • Use physical manipulatives like base-ten blocks to visually demonstrate the concept of place value. Practice with games and activities that involve building numbers and breaking them down into hundreds, tens, and ones.

  • Encourage regular practice with flashcards and interactive games that make learning these facts fun. Recognize and celebrate progress to keep students motivated.

  • Practice breaking down word problems into smaller, more manageable parts. Teach students to identify keywords and use diagrams or drawings to visualize the problem.

  • Use visual aids like fraction circles or bars to show how fractions represent parts of a whole. Practice with real-life examples, such as cutting food items, to make fractions more understandable.



  • Calculation is the foundation of everything. Not mastering it well will also affect the learning of other modules. For example, calculating geometrical areas and unit conversions both involve multiplication and division.

  • Learning addition and subtraction within a thousand is the basis for mastering addition and subtraction within ten thousand, as well as multiplication and division of multi-digit numbers. This is because the arithmetic behind addition and subtraction within ten thousand is the same as within a thousand; it's just that the number of digits increases. Similarly, multi-digit addition and subtraction are also used in multi-digit multiplication and division.

  • The multiplication and division facts are important foundations for further learning in grade 4. Especially, multiplication facts a key prerequisite of multi-digit multiplication in G4, because any multiplication with multi-digit numbers needs to be broken down into several multiplications with single-digit numbers. For example, for 14×8, the calculation involves 4×8 for the ones digit and 1×8 for the tens digit . Students need to master multiplication facts to accurately and quickly get the results.

  • Fraction calculations are one of the biggest challenges of elementary school math. If a student is not familiar with the concept of fractions in third grade, it will affect fraction calculations in fourth grade and ratio calculations in fifth grade. Many middle school students struggle with fraction calculations, which causes an overall lack of confidence.


Key Points:

  • Classifying quadrilaterals

  • Area and perimeter

Common Struggles: 

  1. Distinguishing Shapes: Students might find it difficult to classify shapes accurately based on their attributes.
    For example, when they sort the shapes into categories, some shapes can be in more than one category.


  2. A vague understanding basic concepts leads to inability to flexibly respond to variant questions.

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  • Reinforce the difference between area (the space inside the shape, measured in square units) and perimeter (the distance around the shape, measured in linear units).

  • Practice with various shapes and dimensions to strengthen their understanding of how to apply formulas correctly.

  • Incorporate visuals and manipulatives to aid in understanding, especially with compound shapes where area and perimeter calculations can get more complex.




Geometry is an important branch of mathematics, involving concepts such as shape, size, position, and direction. It's the basis for subsequent mathematical study. If elementary school students do not master geometry in third grade, they may have difficulty with learning later on. If a child consistently struggles with geometry, it can also affect later career development. This is because geometry is a basic skill necessary for many careers, such as architects, engineers, designers, etc.


Measurement and Data

Key Points:

  • Tell and write time to the nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes.

  • Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals in minutes.

  • Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l).

  • Add, subtract, multiply, or divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or volumes that are given in the same units.

  • Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories.

  • Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. 

Common Struggles: 

  1. Confusing the purpose of a bar graph (comparing quantities across categories) with that of a line plot (showing frequency of data along a number line).

  2. Grasping the concept of scales, especially unequal scales or larger increments, can be confusing. This can lead to incorrect readings of the graph and misunderstandings about the data's range or distribution.

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  • Teach the purpose of each graph type directly and provide lots of examples to help students differentiate between them.

  • Include activities focused on reading and interpreting scales on graphs correctly.



  1. Challenges in interpreting and analyzing data, which are skills important not just in mathematics but also in science, social studies, and real-world scenarios like financial planning and research.

  2. Besides, everyday tasks such as cooking, budgeting, time management, and understanding distances and space could become more challenging without a solid grasp of measurement and data skills.

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