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How to Create or Edit a Personalized Learning Plan

How to Update the Personalized Learning Plan for your upcoming classes

Step 1: To review the topic for your next class, click on Materials tab


Step 2: Review the Lesson Content and click on Change Topic if you want to teach another lesson instead


Step 3: Choose a new topic from the student's Learning Plan, then click Confirm


Optional: If you want to adjust the rest of the student's Learning Plan, click Edit topic


Now you can either choose new topics from our library from the left hand side, or add customized lesson topic


If you want to add a customized topic, please click Confirm, Preview then Modify to save the change!


FAQ on Personalized Learning Plans:

  • What does the paperclip icon mean?
    You’ll also notice a paperclip icon next to most (if not all) topics - this means there’s linked courseware that will be pre-uploaded to your classroom. Otherwise, please prepare your own materials for the upcoming PLP topic and upload your material to the classroom before start time.


  • The student wants to continue working on a previous topic, what should I do?
    Yes this happens! You can change the status for the previous topic from Complete to Incomplete, then you can choose this topic from the student's learning plan for their upcoming session.


  • The student wants to do a homework review session, what should I do?​​​
    You can add a customized lesson in their PLP, and then choose this customized topic from the student's learning plan for their upcoming session.


  • Why should I use PLP while teaching?
    A personalized learning plan (PLP) is at the heart of the ClassUp experience. Students rely on their teachers to follow their PLP, delivering lessons, homework assignments, and assessments that align with it. When the PLP is not followed, it can take away a vital component of what makes the ClassUp experience so effective and meaningful for students.

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